Finished – Trooper, Bavarian Jagër, 1870

Well, I have finally finished a model! This is the first model I have completed from start to finish since I moved to Australia in late-2017. In many respects, it is the encapsulation of the ups and downs associated with that move. It has been there as I have settled my family into their new... Continue Reading →

A Brief Update…

I have not been completely idol recently, I promise. I have been moving along slowly with a few projects. First up is the Bavarian Jager bust from H&V Miniatures. I am now in the final stages of this piece. It is intricate details that need working on, such as buttons and piping. This part helps... Continue Reading →

#WiP – Bavarian Jager Bust

You will remember that I started this piece a while back. Just as a reminder, this a small bust of a Franco-Prussian War Bavarian Jager by Heroes and Villains Miniatures. However, for several reasons I have not been happy with the finish. One of the issues was the uniform colour. Bavarian Cornflower Blue, as we... Continue Reading →

One Fixed Airbrush

Before I stopped painting, I was using an airbrush to help lay in basic coats and general shadows. However, my break from painting, and my move to Australia meant I had not been doing much painting. Added to that it appeared that my airbrush had gained a blockage! Nevertheless, a good soak in some acetone... Continue Reading →

Boer Commando – Finished

This is one of the projects that has gone on and on. Indeed, the earliest post I can find on this blog related to this piece dates to 2009! In many respects, this piece has followed me as my life has changed over the past decade. However, I can now thankfully call it finished. Carl... Continue Reading →

Raoul Lufbery WiP

Here are a couple of smudgy pictures of the Model Cellar bust of the French-American ace Raoul Lufbery bust. I have recently moved into a new house, and in doing so, I have been able to unpack most of my modelling gear that was stuck in storage. This meant that I rediscovered pieces that made... Continue Reading →

Max Immelmann Completed

Here are some quick shots of the piece I finished for Euro Militaire this past weekend. Using the flash has washed out the leather a bit. I haven't really finished anything in a while so it feels to good to have finally done so despite the results. It is MDC's Max Immelmann sculpted by Rob... Continue Reading →

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