New Releases and Announcements – W/E 20 May 2018

I have not posted for a while. That is partly because there has not been a great deal that has caught my eye and also because I was away in Canberra at a conference on Monday.

I suppose the big news that will have been doing the rounds is details that have come out of the Shizuoka show in Japan that was held in May. I will not go through what has been announced there as The Modelling News has a comprehensive report on what has been announced. Suffice to say; some exciting releases are coming our way shortly. I would, at some point, love to go to Shizuoka. We in the west tend to think of the show as merely a trade show, but it is much more than that.

Copper State Models

It looks like Copper State Models are going to be releasing a figure of Herman Goring shortly. Goring, I hear you say! However, this is Goring the First World War pilot rather than a later iteration of his persona. Mike Butler has painted the figure, and you can see more pictures here on PlanetFigure. There have been some questions about the face, but overall this looks like a terrific addition to the CSM range.


Blitz Kit

Blitz Kit is a new name to me, but a couple of figures have just been announced that are sculpted by Jean-Marie Daniel of the JMD Brand. These are French First World War artillerymen and look very nice. They would go with a piece of French artillery but would also make great stand-alone pieces as well. They deserve to do well.



Well, I said not much had caught my attention and that is true. Hopefully some more next week. Back to working on my MENG Whippet!

Header Image: French 75mm gun in position near Colincamps, July 1915. (Source: © IWM (Q 56732))

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